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Pole Trick Tutorial: Inverted Crucifix

June 21, 2023 1 min read

Pole Trick Tutorial: Inverted Crucifix

The Inverted Crucifix is an intermediate pole trick that definitely gets the crowd going wow. Are you daring enough to go hands free to test how strong your knee and leg grip are?

You get step by step instructions on how to achieve this pole trick with an infographic guide. Scroll down to watch the full video tutorial.

Step by Step Pole Trick Guide

pole trick tutorial: Inverted crucific


Watch inverted Crucifix Pole Dance Move Tutorial

More of a visual video learner? Then this video tutorial is for you. Jemma shows you a step-by-step video tutorial on how to enter and exit this inverted crucifix.

Read and Watch More Pole Dance Tutorials

If you liked this Inverted Crucifix tutorial, check out our blogs on the Inverted Flamingo Trick and No Hands Butterfly Trick.

Other intermediate pole trick tutorials you can try out:

About Our Instructor - Jemma

Jemma is a full time occupational therapist who started her pole journey just three years ago. She was looking for a gym but stumbled across a pole instead and fell in love with the dance.

pole dancer jemma

This love led her to creating content on Youtube, to joining a competition last year and recently teaching at her studio. She says becoming a teacher has taught her a lot, built up her confidence and has given her purpose in life. “Pole has seriously been the gift that just kept on giving.” shares Jemma.

Check out more of Jemma’s on her Youtube Channel and her review on our Sticky Leggings.