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Pole Trick Tutorial: Cocaine Split

June 21, 2023 1 min read

Pole Trick Tutorial: Cocaine Split
The Cocaine Split is an intermediate pole trick that is a balancing act to create an angled split with one leg up and the other dow. It will test how strong your elbow grip and core are in keeping your body perfectly balanced.

You get step by step instructions on how to achieve this pole trick with an infographic guide. Scroll down to watch the full video tutorial.


Step by Step Pole Trick Guide

Pole Trick Tutorial: Cocaine Split

Watch Cocaine Split Pole Dance Move Tutorial

More of a visual video learner? Then this video tutorial is for you. Nupur shows you a step-by-step video tutorial on how to enter and exit this cocaine split.

Read and Watch More Pole Dance Tutorials

If you liked this Cocaine Split tutorial, check out our blogs on the Vertical Split Trick and Unicorn Split Trick.

Other intermediate pole trick tutorials you can try out:

About Our Instructor - Nupur Chaudhuri

pole dancer Nupur Chaudhuri

Nupur’s pole dance journey is an inspiring story. At the age of 29, she felt that her job wasn’t enough so she decided to pursue pole dancing. Every weekend she would drive 6 hours to Mumbai to take classes, determined to learn the craft despite the cultural odds. In 2020, Nupur joined the PSO Libra competition and got Silver Medallist. Earlier this year she joined India’s Got Talent and opened her own studio, 4 Poles Pune