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Pole Tutorial: Martini

March 19, 2020 1 min read

martini pole tutorial

The Pole Trick Tutorial Martini is a very feminine pose that's definitely easier than it looks! There are different ways to enter the pose and today I will show you how to make the entrance look cleaner!

Let's get started!
x Kimmy, blogger from Pole Asana

PS. I'm wearing the Super Fly Honey Empress in Sunlight Top and Tigress in Moonlight Lace Bottoms Pole Wear.


 pole tutorial martini

Step 1

On the ground, stand next to the pole. Hook the inside leg as high as you can.

pole tutorial martini

Step 2

Use the outside hand to grab the pole above the hooked knee.

pole tutorial martini

Step 3

Bring the outside leg up while keeping it straight.

pole tutorial martini

Step 4

Wrap the inside elbow around the pole, bring the free leg up and grab the shin.

martini ploe move tutorial

Step 5

Release the supporting hand and play with your shape!

martini pole move tutorial

Step 6

Grab the top of the pole with free hand to exit.

Next step:

To make the martini entrance even cleaner, try entering directly from the hooked elbow!


Want a step by step PDF copy of all Pole Asana's 10-part pole tutorial collaboration with us?

Maybe you need a copy in your pole bag to whip out in your next class, or maybe you're making your own home book of pole fitness, either way, it's here for you to download free, you're welcome!