Having trouble twisting around the pole? It's a common road block.
Don't worry because Angelina shares the Seated Twists Exercise which helps you tone the belly, massage internal organs and can help relieve lower back pain too.
Did you know? Seated Twist is a restorative pose that promotes good digestion and encourages spinal mobility. This exercise is simultaneously relaxing and invigorating.
What's in it for you:
• Help tone the belly, massage internal organs and can help relieve lower back pain
• Improve spinal mobility
Sit on the ege of your chair with feet flat and hip width apart. Place stick on shoulders and extend arms as far as possible.
Sit tall and take a deep breath in then as you exhale, twist to one side.
Keep the stick parallel to the floor and keep knees facing forward. Pause for a moment at your maximum twist then return to center and repeat on the other side.
Try not to use the stick to increase the twist. It's only there as an alignment reference.
Aim for 3 sets of 10 reps.
(5 twists each side)