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Pole Trick Tutorial: Inversion

June 11, 2024 1 min read

Pole Trick Tutorial: Inversion

Watch this Inversion Pole Trick Tutorial

Elevate your skills to new heights with this step by step guide with Gianna.


  1. Conditioning exercises to build the arm and core strength needed for inverts
  2. How to invert from the floor on a static pole
  3. How to invert from the air on a static pole
  4. How to invert from the air on a spinning pole

Style: Static & Spin pole

Trick: Inversion/Invert

Level: Intermediate

Read and Watch More Pole Dance Tutorials

If you liked this Inversion tutorial, here are our blogs on the Inverted Flamingo Trick and Inverted Crucifix Trick.

Other inverted pole trick tutorials you can try out:

About Our Instructor - Gianna Locher

Gianna began her pole dancing journey in April/May 2014, initially joining out of curiosity when a friend named Sarah suggested it. She was hooked from the very first class.

One of her proudest moments came when she competed in the Steel on Fire competitions in 2017 and 2018, securing 3rd place both times alongside her friend Sarah.

Outside of pole dancing, Gianna is a psychologist working at an alcohol rehab clinic, which is her dream job. Helping her patients recover and regain their strength brings her immense joy and fulfilment. Gianna's tips for pole dancing are to be yourself, take your time and have fun!