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Pole Trick Tutorial: Drop (Martini to Side Leg Hang Handstand)

September 15, 2023 1 min read

Pole Trick Tutorial Drop (Martini to Side Leg Hang Handstand)

This pole trick drop is an intermediate trick that combines a martini sit and inside leg hang handstand. This will test your balance from upright to invert.

You get step by step instructions on how to achieve this pole trick with an infographic guide. Scroll down to watch the full video tutorial.

Step by Step Pole Trick Guide

Pole Trick Tutorial: Drop (Martini to Side Leg Hang Handstand)

Watch this Drop (Martini to Side Leg Hang Handstand) Pole Dance Move Tutorial

More of a visual video learner? Then this video tutorial is for you. Anastasia shows you a step-by-step video tutorial on how to enter and exit this drop.


Read and Watch More Pole Dance Tutorials

If you liked this drop tutorial, check out our blogs on the No Hands Butterfly Trick and Russian Layback Elbow Stand and Handstand Trick.

Other beginner/intermediate pole trick tutorials you can try out:

About Our Instructor - Anastasia


Anastasia is from Russia and is a part time pole instructor for beginner pole dancers. She started her pole journey feeling shy and self aware of her body, which is a complete opposite of what we see in her now. You can find her busting killer moves and poses on Instagram